Seagull Analysis. The Wheel of Balance and BACCM for the Forces of Good

  • 20 min

Some people pave the way, while others drift with the current. 

Transitioning from an active to a passive state is expected at some point in career development. However, the reverse requires considerable effort and personal skills. 

The topic will be helpful to those who are taking steps towards a proactive stance and are faced with the task of systematising their experience and choosing a method to evaluate their current knowledge and skills baggage. 

Throughout the talk, we will find out: 

  • whether the wheel of balance is down and whether it needs to be pumped up;
  • the application of the IIBA's Business Analysis Basic Concepts Model (BACCM) to planning tasks;
  • applicability of big data knowledge and methods to small data;
  • what is a "seagull" analysis based on data from completed projects;
  • one of the ways to understand "as is" results and define a "to be" vector.
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