Creating business value on microservices in 5 steps: LOW-Code ecosystem to help us

  • 40 min

Today's microservices reality has presented analysts with new challenges: 

  • Be able to quickly isolate independent domains from the tangle of the business model. 
  • The usual practice of analysts describing business processes, DBs, and UIs with different tools does not solve the problem of creating a single, multi-component solution. 
  • A tool is required that helps to design a product comprehensively in a microservice architecture. 
  • It is more difficult to find a common language with customers, architects, and developers at the design stage. 
  • Comprehensive monitoring of the whole solution is required. 

The talk will present our experience solving these tasks and how the Low-code ecosystem helps us. Finally, we will use a real example to show how we design a product in 5 steps.
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