Decentralising the BA function: how not to lose out on quality. Gazprombank's experience

  • Easy
  • 40 min

The talk highlights Gazprombank's experience in building LSBA - School of Business Analysis. 

The involvement of a large number of employees in the digital transformation of the bank revealed the need for synchronization between all participants to improve the quality of the designed processes

Gazprombank solved this problem by launching the School where you can get knowledge on the basics of business analysis and the specifics of the production process in GPB. 

The talk describes the courses, statistics, and tools on which the School's infrastructure is deployed. Further plans and the possibility of enrolling in courses for external students are also given. 

The talk will be of interest to the leaders of the business analyst communities to learn from Gazprombank's experience and the business analysts who want to join the GPB School as listeners.

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