Data Catalog: getting started and operating

  • Easy
  • 40 min

Every company keeps some data, but often no one has a complete picture of where and what data. It is not uncommon for teams to be unaware of what metrics their neighbours are collecting. 

Also, information about stored data may be needed to meet compliance requirements, secure storage, etc. 

Therefore, it is more important than ever to implement the DataGovernance best practices. Their most popular description is DAMA-DMBOK2, which contains 11 sections worth paying attention to. 

In my talk, I will focus on one of them - Metadata and describe how you can implement the Data Catalog in your company, fill it, implement an updating system, and some technical solutions applicable to this. 

As a result of such implementation, there will be up-to-date information about where and what datasets are stored, the ability to search through them when it is necessary to calculate some metric, and an understanding of where what and with what effort to protect.

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