The game as a tool for researching real cases

  • 40 min

Solving business problems, business tasks, architectural tasks through games. A case, regardless of the degree of complexity, can be considered playfully and see often unexpected opportunities, solutions, and insights. Among analysts with significant experience, attempts to solve work problems playfully are reflected independently of each other. Moreover, this may concern not only the level of business analysis, but system / architectural issues.

During the talk, I will tell my experience in this matter (I happened to take part in the games of organizers / groups of individuals independent of each other in various capacities), I will share the expert point of view of the organizers of the games (how did I come to this, why the decision seems to be correct in this way, how the game was prepared for a long time and how many iterations it had gone through by the time X and so on), the opinion of the participants about this method of solving problems.

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