PBR as a valuable tool for enhancing productivity of Analysts and overall effectiveness of the team

  • Easy
  • 40 min

PBR is a process by which a team reduces the uncertainty and organizes of backlog items, adds details and evaluates tasks. It is a very useful addition to Scrum. I will tell you about experience, which has increased the productivity of the team and minimized the number of times we have had to update requirements during feature development. With the proper use of PBR, you will be able to get through tasks more efficiently and allowing developers to focus on development. The team will have a stock of well-developed backlog items for 2–3 sprints ahead, so that the analysts can go on holiday with confidence.

My talk will be of interest to: 

• analysts and other scrum team members who have not yet used the PBR or have tried, but have not achieved the desired result, and also use the technique and want to share their experience;

• analysts involved in product planning and product managers;

• analysts and other team members who do not use Scrum, but want to optimise their work.

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