Analyst. Archetypes. User manual

  • Easy
  • 20 min

In my presentation, I would like to share my experience on how to build effective communications with colleagues, considering individual's psychological characteristics and peculiarities of mental models.

Based on my experience and observations, I will present several basic archetypes of analysts, i.e. psychological portraits (!= archetypes by Jung, Pearson).

In my presentation, each archetype will be examined in detail from the following aspects:

  • basic motives, values, and needs;
  • peculiarities of communication;
  • style and approaches to work;
  • possible limitations (shadow sides) and growth points.

The purpose of my presentation is to give the audience effective recommendations on how to make interaction with each of the archetypes productive, find common language and build effective relationships in your team. The presentation will also help listeners to identify their own archetype, i.e. look at themselves from the outside, evaluate motivational factors and potential destructors.

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