Growing an Analyst in 3 Months: Methods, Life Hacks, and Prerequisites

  • Easy
  • 40 min

Anyone who has tried to expand a team of analysts has encountered difficulties in hiring.
Even after hiring a specialist from the market, we often have to retrain them for our specific tasks.

The idea of growing our own specialists is not new, but it is time-consuming, expensive, drains the time of leaders, and does not guarantee success.

Business analyst is a border role, complex, requiring advanced soft skills. This adds additional challenges in training.

Weighing all the pros and cons, we still decided to organize an internship and made offers to 100% of the interns at its conclusion.

I will talk about our experience. We will discuss:

  • the structure of the internship;
  • how to prepare for it;
  • how to select participants (and whether ageism is relevant here);
  • how mentors can avoid burnout.
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