Conceptual thinking: why do you need it, do you have it, and how to develop it

  • 40 min

Who or what helps you solve unsolvable issues? Whose opinions do you seek to resolve questions like: where should an analyst grow? Will AI replace analysts? What to do if you're tired of routine? How to solve unsolvable problems? How to motivate yourself?

You can endlessly listen to opinion leaders and look for reliable and proven solutions. But do you really want to follow in someone else's footsteps and directions?

A proven way to find your path and self-actualize according to your values is through the use of conceptual thinking.

It will help you to see any situation from the height, from the depth, and at any angle. With it, you will find truly correct answers for yourself and solutions to “unsolvable” situations — both in work and in life. It will give you the necessary courage, audacity, and kick you out.

This concludes the motivational part. Co
me to the presentation to find out:

  • why conceptual thinking is needed;
  • how to apply it in work;
  • how to check your level;
  • how to enhance it.

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