Transforming the Requirements Writing Process: The Experience of Introducing YogiRequirement Tool

  • Easy
  • 20 min

In this talk, I'll share my experience with the YogiRequirement (YR) tool, which has radically changed our requirement management process within our company.

The specific of our tasks required a new approach that would allow us to solve existing problems, leading us to introduce YR. The introducing of this tool has changed our approach to writing requirements.

I'll explain how we established the requirements development process, how adjustments and versioning of requirements were handled, and how control over requirement coverage was improved.

You'll also learn about the development of software using these requirements and the outcomes we achieved in the form of final artefacts. Finally, I'll explain how YR has simplified the process of writing requirements, reduced risks, and enhanced the quality of the final products.

This talk will be useful for analysts looking for effective solutions to manage requirements, and PMs aiming to optimize processes and enhance development quality.

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