Как мы изобретали велосипед и какие выводы мы сделали

  • 20 min

A lot of analysts and project managers studied modern methods. However, seemingly expert analysts do classic mistakes. Just so was be on the project, which had been done at the end of 2013.

The success of the event had happened thanks to partial substitution of the participants of the work team, overtimes and some convenient for us analysis and other practice. Certainly developing defects can not be fixed by good analytic. But defects can be reduced by good analysis of formulations study. It will be provided inputs of project, will be provided our defects and conclusions which we had made.

I would like to remind that this developing methods already have performed on thousand projects which was not been launched, and we can learn from mistakes of others.

Классические ошибки при разработке проекта from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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