How to Stop Worrying and Start Talking With your Customer

  • Easy
  • 40 min

Case: finally you are entrusted to lead brand new and prospective project. You are preparing to bask in your glory and predicting quick promotion because you'll deal easily with this task. Nevertheless, the sooner is your first meeting with the customer, the bigger are your fears. What are you going to talk about? How should you impress the customer by seriousness and professionalism as well as become his fellow? And if the customer is thousands of miles away from you?  Let's try to figure that out.

Here is what we'll talk about:

  • Communications - types, approaches, basics
  • Interview - how to get maximum of profit having minimum of time
  • Remote communications - let's make it effective
  • Stylistics - what should you keep in mind
  • Cases)

Как перестать беспокоиться и начать говорить с заказчиком from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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