Requirements analysis from UX point of view

  • 40 min

When the analyst collects and analyzes the requirements, the last thing that she cares about - an analysis of requirements in terms of user interface design and information structure. Indeed, this is interface designers job, right? So, often the analyst does not know - what is important for the design of interfaces and interaction, and moreover - what kind of information she needs to provide the designer to work with. Because of this, analysts and designers are beginning to "hog the blanket" - UX designer begins to independently collect the necessary requirements, and the analyst begins to issue the interface solutions instead of the requirements. In this talk, I will tell - what's really important for designing UX, and what the analyst must give the UX-designer for his work.

Анализ требований с точки зрения UX from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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