Risk Management for Analyst

  • 20 min

Risk Management Process value for the analyst 

Everyone knows that risk management is the responsibility of project manager. In general, he has to think about everything. Not only about the risks, he also has to think about deadline, requirements, resources, customer's psychotype, project schedule, project team motivation and its existential experiences, about teamlead birthday and much more. 

There is a reasonable expectation that project managers do not have time to think about all of the above. And what do you do?

  • Risk management for the professional analyst.
  • Communications with team, customer and top management
  • Risk management as an escalation practice. 
  • Risk Management Process value for the analyst.
  • Risk management SaaS. 

We will give answers!

Управление рисками - в чем ценность для аналитика from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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