#NoBA: Stop Requiring, Start Collaborating
40 min
Traditional business analysis become less and less suitable for advanced projects of our time. It is too slow for continuous iterative development and imposes too much responsibility on individuals, making them bottlenecks of the process and significantly reducing the quality of proposed solutions.
The Sun of the Agile software development, including corresponding analytical activities, rises higher and higher. But, unfortunately, the spread of these approaches in the industry accompanied by mass profanity. This profanity is caused by a lack of understanding the foundations of collective responsibility and collective decision-making.
Over the past year I have developed a model that can serve as an instrument of mass education in new analysis technologies and wherein benefit society through the valuable open source projects. And I want to share the preliminary results of a such project with the CIS IT analysts and to call them for cooperation.
#NoBA: Кончайте требовать и начинайте со-трудничать from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.