How Much the Boss’s Idea’s Worth, or the Investment Approach for Managers

  • 40 min

If managers ever estimate a project’s value, they usually go by costs — how many man-hours will be spent, how much equipment will be needed, what business trips they will go on and where, etc.

However the cost evaluation does not really show, if the project is worth spending money on in the first place. This particularly applies to the teams that are used to do everything in the proverbial two weeks (and are of course never as good as their word).

Let’s take a little break from estimating our costs and try to look at our project as an investment. Not all of the IT projects will fit this pattern, certainly, but we will be able to work on some typical cases.

Сколько стоит идея шефа, или инвестиционный подход для менеджеров from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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