Lego Robot programming as a way of teaching a business analyst with basics of software development

  • 40 min

BA specialist work sometimes is similar to interpreter work... I mean it is like Russian speaking expert translate from English to French and vice versa. You should agree this is a real challenge because of requires an understanding of both British and French cultural context. We'll talk about same problem in the context of BA specialist work.

The hardest part of learning any new area is the assimilation of basic concepts. To effectively solving this fundamental problem it is necessary to develop an appropriate training concept and the learning process. Complex questions have no simple answers to. Program based on visual programming of Lego robots is an answer. I'll share my experience of implementing visual programming for teaching BA experts and describe in detail what came of it.

Программирование Лего-Роботов для обучения BA основам разработки ПО from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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