The Use of HTML-Prototypes for the Reverse Engineering Requirements: Pros and Cons
40 min
At the initial stage of the project all attempts to identify and refine functional requirements are risk bearing: omission of some requirements, nonconformity with real-life environment, unnecessary functionality. Also they are subjected to variability. Therefore, final verdict of completeness, compliance and redundancy of requirements is brought during testing and implementation of the software. Later changes of the architecture and code-rewriting are cost- and time-consuming.
An alternative to the described situation is the reverse engineering requirements with use of interactive html-prototypes that simulate functioning of separate modules of the software. Stakeholders have possibility to test and evaluate functionality of the software.
The report examines application scope of the reverse analysis, advantages and disadvantages of this method in comparison with other approaches, based on use scenario and wireframes, as well as the iterative prototyping process.
Использование html-прототипов для реверсивного анализа требований: ЗА и ПРОТИВ from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.