More than analysis. How do we speed up a development process taking some developer's responsiblities

  • Easy
  • 20 min

An analyst works with requirements. Requirements should be gathered. Then an analyst should analyze, systematize and formalize them. Has the role of an analyst ended at this point? Should the role of an analyst is only restricted by working with requirements? We, at Systematic Consulting, answer "no" to both of these questions. I will tell you why we think so.

My lecture will be devoted to special aspects of analyst's responsibilities in our company. I will talk about "invasion" into development process and what advantages and disadvantages our project team and client have behind this. I will talk about features of working with DB, namely, I will concern database metamodel of our framework. It is worth mentioning that working with this framework simplifies things for analysts and developers. This lecture should be interested for wide audience and especially for those who actively develop software using relational databases.

Больше чем анализ. Как мы форсируем разработку, забирая на себя часть функций программистов from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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