Storytelling or the requirements that will make you cry

  • 40 min

It is extremely difficult to keep in mind the requirements to the big project, but you need to do it in order to keep the focus of the project.

If you reduce the requirements scope you will lose the important details, if you extend your brain... well, it not the common way.

I propose to write down the detailed requirements but during requirement s review with the team tell the story, fascinating story.

You will not remember the facts but definitely remember the story - this is how our brain works.

To tell the fascinating story you need to follow several simple rules that I'll share during my presentation:

- how to make the story fascinating

- how to make the main character right

- which details will make your story

Storytelling или как начать рыдать над требованиями from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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