How not to lose the Product at the final stage. Remembering the business goals and changing priorities

  • 40 min

We often forget that the customer primarily wants to get a working product, not just "a software developed for the requirements". 

The report presents recommendations on how using business objectives to optimize the final stage of the project, improve the interaction with customer and reduce the risk of additional requirements, which suddenly could became mandatory for the project acceptance and launch. 

You'll learn from the report:
  • How to meet the customer's expectations and achieve business goals at the final stage of the project;
  • How objectives and principles of project priorities could be changed on the final stage of key functionality development;
  • What you should pay attention to, and when it is time to begin to act;
  • How to switch the work of your team to improving the developed solutions;
  • How to argue with the Customer and defend the change of priorities;

The product that works is more useful than formal accordance to the primary requirements, isn’t it?

Как не потерять Продукт на завершающем этапе from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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