The age of digital transformation: how to change the profession of an analyst and what to expect from the future

  • 40 min

The penetration of digital technology into everyday life moves apart the usual business boundaries, changing entire industries, reverses markets . And although the term digital transformation has not yet been clearly defined, the movement in this area is becoming mainstream for a variety of industries. Analytical studies show that the digital transformation works and brings tangible benefits to companies.

How will change the profession of a business analyst in these conditions? Which technologies we will have to work tomorrow, and how to rebuild the usual scenarios today? What you need to know right now to benefit the company and its customers? And what will be the next age?

All this will be discussed in the talk.

Эпоха цифровой трансформации: как изменится профессия аналитика from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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