Secret of company: how analytics department works in one of the biggest e-commerce company and how we came to this

  • 40 min

I will talk about which changes and difficulties can be in the analytics department when the company becomes from a start-up to a enterprise (in the example of one of the leading e-commerce company in Russia and CIS – Lamoda).

In the presentation I will reveal the secrets about organisation of analytics department in our company. Moreover I will give few advices to those, who (as I am) have opportunity and wish to be the leader of young analytics department.

The advices and features of our work will be helpful not only for leaders (young and experienced), but also helpful for analyst-specialist.

Как устроен отдел системного бизнес-анализа в одной большой e-commerce ком from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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