All faces of the review requirements

  • Easy
  • 40 min

When you hear the "review of requirements", the shudder and imagine a long list of comments to the document, the majority of which about spelling and punctuation? Do you think that your team is small and you do not need it? Or maybe you are one of those who believes that the only task of the review is to improve the quality requirements? Let's talk about this. In his report, I will consider reviewing the requirements and answer the following questions: 1. Why is reviewed, it is not only about the quality requirements? 2. Why do more than 20% of teams refuse to review, and how it can be useful to them? 3. What types of review are? 4. Whom to involve and how to organize a peer review process with the team? 5. How to review and work with the result of the review? The report will be based on experience - my and my colleagues, supported by the results of a survey among analysts and will be useful to anyone who is involved in reviewing the documents.

Все грани рецензирования требований from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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