Business Analyst's role in Digital Transformation

  • 40 min

Digital Transformation has become a buzzword of today. Business leaders across the globe are seeking for guidance to ensure their organizations will survive digital disruption.On the other hand, the digital transformation vendors, consulting firms, service agencies, IT service providers are seeking to find their niche in this emerging and highly competitive market.

Having had a chance to be involved in such engagements as a BA and consultant, I'd like to share my thoughts, tricks and tips that may help business analysts and other client-facing roles to be better prepared for the projects of tomorrow.

In my presentation, I will focus on how our clients think today, what type of engagement and level of consultancy they expect from vendors, and will share several real examples from my practice.

Цифровая трансформация глазами Бизнес-аналитика from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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