Swan, Crayfish and Pike or How to Push a Project if You Have Three Analysts and don't Have Enough Information

  • Easy
  • 20 min

Taking like example one of my projects, where I worked as junior analyst, I would like to examine some issues that can really put the brakes on a team progress on the first steps. I`d like to speak also about customer and team communication, working environment setup, and approach of specification development.

We could move forward the project: we created specification, we made a design and started development. But it was really cautionary tale.

Having worked on the mistakes, I understood that the future of a project directly depends on each team member and the choice that he or she made on the appropriate iterations. In my talk I would like to share with you difficulties which everybody could encounter on the project and methods, that can help to avoid them.

Лебедь, рак и щука, или Что делать, когда на проекте 3 аналитика и ничег from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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