Smart Home: Freedom or Security?

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  • 20 min

According to the latest researches, consumers are more worried about privacy and security issues than any other potential downsides of the Internet of Things. In 2016 IoT security incidents had significant variety: from personal data unauthorized access to DDoS attacks (based on compromising of thousands of endpoint IoT devices and transforming them in a botnet).

Our presentation is devoted to Smart Home security. Dozens of the productionized Smart Home solutions were presented in frames of IFA 2016 and CES2017. Russian developers certainly will be involved into such projects in frames of offshore and domestic activities. So Smart Home security requirements are one of the most important areas to consider by system analytics and architects.

Умный дом: как требования по безопасности влияют на принципы выбора архитектуры решения from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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