Interview? If you're a good interviewer...
20 min
Working in business analysis sometimes we are coming to a point when we need to be people who interview and decide to proceed with a candidate or continue searching for the right person. For some people it looks scary to make decisions, for other ones, it's just a wasting of time. But there's always a group that sees the opportunity to meet new people, build new relationships and to find what another BAs think and do. And I reckon this is the big chance to develop the competency to be a good interviewer and hire worthy candidates.
It's more than a year when I'm interviewing BAs to the variety of projects. I've seen many exciting cases and even more interesting and surprisingly unexpected people. I really want every company to have people who understand what candidates they expect to see as their colleagues and who know how to detect "right people" along the applied candidates.
I want to share how I do that and what helps me to find right BAs with whom it is pleasant to work then.