Data visualization - easy and clearly

  • Easy
  • 20 min

Numerous meetings, calls, e-mails... Sometimes in the process of discussions, there is a feeling that everything has been already discussed many times, but the essence is not clear. It happens that the same description has to be redone several times, a team should be assembled and not only details but also conceptual moments should be repeated several times. Text descriptions, which are documented, can also be read in two ways and in any case, it will take a long time to understand them. In such cases, it is complicated to understand how to communicate, what can be used to properly and quickly convey the issues that are relevant now. 
In my talk, I will tell, based on my experience as an analyst, in which situations the use of visualisation was an effective way to come to a common understanding, what types of visualisation were used, and, finally, using which tools you can present information in graphical form.

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