Should you spend your time and money for mentoring?

  • 40 min

Is mentoring only for newbies? I don't think so.

I've worked in companies with different approaches to mentoring for 20+ years. I've been both - mentor and mentee, and I'm sure that mentoring is a powerful tool that can be used to achieve various goals and solve a wide range of tasks.

It can improve the employee's skills, grow and support a positive attitude to work and loyalty to the company, reduce the duration of the adaptation period and save the manager's time and nerves.

We will talk about:

  • how to build a mentoring system;
  • which goals it can achieve;
  • which benefits you will get;
  • who can be a mentor;
  • how to support employees beyond the mentoring.

If you ask yourself - should I spend my time and money for this - I've made a pretty comprehensive guide with arguments and tips for you to decide.

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