Following the application steps - monitoring

  • 40 min

Hurrah, everything is working! The application is running! 
Wait, something went wrong?! 
And now the question: how to understand, what is going on with the application before, let's say, an angry customer will complain about a nonworking website? 
There is the solution: monitoring! 
It would seem what can be simpler and easier to understand, but business analysts often underestimate the power of this tool. And, in fact, they don't always know how it works or how it can be used.
In my talk, I will focus on the options that might be offered by this tool, how powerful it is, how to configure it properly by using as an example the combination of Prometheus and Grafana, what kind of metrics might be set up, and finally, how monitoring could be used not only for technical but also for business needs.

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