Big Data in "Big Bank". How to make data work for you

  • Easy
  • 40 min

How to analyze millions of rows of information and not make a mistake? How to build a report when the data is stored in dozens of systems? How to spend less time and resources on the tasks? 
We answered these and many other questions when we introduced the reporting system at Sberbank. 

The talk will be helpful for those of you who have only heard about Big Data tools and approaches but have never encountered them yourself. If you are going to deploy DWH or already using it, you will be able to compare their approaches with case-studies from our practice. 

I will talk about how we organized the data warehouse, optimize query performance, and share the tools and techniques that make our lives easier. And, of course, we will discuss the analyst's role and what non-trivial tasks he has to face every day.

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