How to create vision of future and your way to it - schemes for self-determination

  • 40 min

The modern world assumes that a person is looking for an image of his future and way to it. Standard career ladders are not relevant, the technology renovation demand to change specializations and learning. Unlike in the past, a job becomes not just a source of money, but also a professional activity that provides drive, self-realization, energy and happiness. A person himself must be active, serve as a driver of his own changes and make a choice, and not give control of his life to others: then you will get happiness and drive only with luck. 

The talk includes approaches and schemes that allow technologically solving the problems of building an image of the future and its own trajectory. Previous versions of the report "How to build your professional path" focused on building a path to the image of the future, this one is expanded with approaches to building such an image of the future, which will give meaning to life, drive, self-realization and energy.

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