Sales management with limited visibility: work experience for a US HR Tech start-up

  • 20 min

Every time we come to a new project/product, we are faced with a huge amount of information that needs to be absorbed and structured. It is easier when the transition takes place within a single domain or market. It is much more difficult when a product enters an entirely new environment where, in addition to new colleagues with whom we need to build relationships, a complex subject area is also added. The distant and unfamiliar market, the foreign language, which partly distorts and drags down understanding… and you have to be useful to the company almost from the very first day. 

In the talk, I will tell about my most difficult entrance into the product and give recommendations on how to get faster in the subject area and start to meet the expectations of employers from the first days. 

The talk will be of interest to novice and experienced product managers and business analysts who perform the role of product owners.

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