Hello, I'm your aunt! Or know your stakeholder like the back of your hand

  • 40 min

We analyse requirements, business and technical features of the product.

We analyse our communication, stakeholders and build CJM. Furthermore, we analyse processes and look for effective practices to improve them. We identify and analyse risks.

Finally, we analyse our actions and emotions when we want to solve our issue. 

And still things go wrong, misunderstandings happen, which leads to undesirable results. It appears that all the nuances and possible risks are are considered, but what else could go wrong? 

The reasons can be very different. 

I would like to highlight one of them, which is often underestimated: a lack of understanding of your stakeholders. This can be your client, project manager or architect, colleague on the development and testing team or even a product user, or a regulator with whom you are not familiar at all.

Let's consider when you should analyse your stakeholders, what tools we have for doing so and how you can help yourself to understand your opponent better.

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