How to create 101 DAGs for Airflow in 59 seconds

  • Easy
  • 40 min

Nowadays, we are increasingly faced with Big Data – these are structured, semi-structured or unstructured data arrays of large volume and which require special methods for processing and can be used in all spheres from industry to public administration. The data is processed using special automated tools to be used for analysis, forecasts, and decision-making. 
 In our talk, we will answer the following questions: 
  • How to work with big data? 
  • What is business Intelligence? 
  • What problems do analysts face? 
  • How do you build the process of migrating a large amount of data and the entire infrastructure from one system to another in a limited time more effectively?
You will also learn how to use certain technologies to be able to build the process of downloading data without involving a developer.

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