Complicated clients. Who are they? What’s the best way to work with them?

  • 40 min

It’s quite common for an analyst to liaise with a wide arrange of people. In some instances communication doesn’t seem to be working out. However, there are effective ways to “bargain” even with Dormammu.

Within the talk, we will explore this delicate topic and tell about:

• when should you expect complexity;

• what exactly you may face to;

• types of “complicated” clients;

• how to build up a dialogue with a “complicated” client;

• how to stay sharp and effective during the process.

The information presented will be especially relevant for those who:

• are involved in Enterprise projects;

• work with government clients as well as clients from neighbouring countries;

• experience difficulties in building up project communications.


The talk is particularly aimed at junior and middle analysts.

As a bonus, we’ll have a look at some fun pictures to compensate for your moral damage.

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