How to compare incomparable, measure immeasurable or approaches to determining staff work efficiency

  • 40 min

Nowadays, organisations in different business sectors are thinking about restructuring their existing forms of HR management. There is a necessity in systems, which increase company’s and its employees' efficiency. A part of such systems is using KPIs to evaluate employee performance and decision-making. The evaluation helps companies to reach their goals and to reveal situations which slow common progress down.

How to build a competent KPI system for customers? Where to start and how to avoid mistakes? We will look into KPI systems requirements, the parameters which affect on indicators' calculation. Furthermore, we will talk about different approaches to evaluating employee’s effectiveness. Using the example of the system developed, we will find out the goals of managers who want to implement a KPI system, what questions to ask the analyst who develops such a system, and what to pay attention to when building the system.

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