To requirements and beyond...

  • 1ч 30 мин

My talk will show, with practical examples and a twist of humour how good requirements can be used to pilot an IT project with a special focus on quality and testing.

I will introduce the notion of Test Requirements Hierarchy and the connections with priorities, test campaigns, effort estimation follow-up and metrics.

The presentation will also be focused on the necessary interaction (role) of Analysts with regards to the overall Quality and how they can help testers (and ultimately themselves) in getting the right project in the end of the journey.

It is not about Tools or methodologies, it is an effective and efficient way to structure and pilot IT projects which has been sucessfully used in numerous contexts. It can be used and applied by everyone and it is fully OpenKnowledge (free of charge, non proprietary)

To requirements and beyond... from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

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