Continuous Requirements Engineering

  • 1 ч 30 мин

In traditional development , Requirements Engineering used to be a separate initial phase. In this phase, all (?!) requirements for the system were 'frozen' and later changes were disencouraged. 
In Agile, requirements are treated in a flexible way, as a backlog that is continuously adjusted by the team. Requirements often get little attention, due to reluctance against upfront documentation. However, professional Requirements Engineering can be very beneficial, not as an initial phase, but as a continuous process during each iteration. It ensures that the entire set of requirements on the backlog remains complete and consistent, thus preventing rework and delays.

This asks for an ongoing search for the right balance between upfront specification (stability) and in-time elaboration (flexibility); a task for the whole team, not just for the PO or the BA.
In this workshop, the concept of continuous Requirements Engineering is explained and substantiated with some small exercises. 

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