Литвиненко Наталья
Аналитик Центра управления проектами - -
Saint Petersburg, Russia


Attended conferences (1)
Talks (1)
  • 12.09.2017
    The way to organisational design

    Over six years I worked as a system analyst in projects on the development of custom software. It was always interesting why one project did not "skyrocketed", where the problems arose in the other (and whether it was possible to prevent these problems). What methodology of project management or software development (in this case, I do not put the sign "=" between these concepts) is efficient. From the position of the system analyst in the project team, the answers to these questions are not always obvious, because you are in the situation when you look at it from your point of view and do not always assess it objectively.

    In my opinion, the experience in the field of organisational design of the processes of project management and software development makes it possible to change the position and expand the viewing angle.

    • Easy
    • 20 min
    • Analyst Days / 7
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