Avoiding Fatal Errors in IT Product Development

  • Easy
  • 40 min

Worldwide statistics show that the success rate of IT projects is on average 31%, while the success rate of IT products is 10%. Thus, 90% of the created products fail and do not find their customers.

Development teams spend much time on elaboration of the architecture and creation of a large set of functions, and as a result nobody uses a new product. So what can you do to minimize this risk and create a marketable product? In my report I will tell you how you can use rather simple tools to understand in advance if the product will be popular. How you can see the mistakes and strengths of your competitor's product in order to create your own product ideal for the client.

I will also share my experience, as we burned the resources for nothing and did not reach our goals. I will tell you how the use of product practices could help us become successful, or refuse to develop unnecessary functionality.

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