How the analyst can make himself happy in the music concert hall: let us apply analytical skills to academic music

  • Easy
  • 1h 30 min

What are the borders of analytical thinking? Where out of IT it can be used? Is that possible for the analyst to apply his/her skills to academic music? Sounds crazy but we would definitely answer: «Yes!». Moreover, those who ever tried to get into the language Mozart`s Sonata, Beethoven’s Symphony, etc. speaks with us, might confirm, how many new ideas and emotions such analytical approach opens to the listener!

This interactive session will give every curious analyst fresh and joyful experience of investigating the pieces from XVI-XX century by ears, minds and hearts. Altogether we will listen to music fragments and discuss it to understand, what are the subjects of analysis in music, what criteria and methods can «analytically minded» person apply while sitting in the concert hall (and before the performance) to obtain a maximum of possible joy from classical music he is listening to. No special music education is required – just energy and curiosity to take part in the discussion.

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