The game "what, where, when" with warframes, mockups and prototypes

  • Easy
  • 40 min

Visualization is a commonly used way to solve a number of questions from the sales stage to the software development, allowing to:

  • demonstrate the proposed solution to the customer;
  • clarify the desired scenarios of user behaviour;
  • detail the requirements for the development team.
Visualization is becoming a lifesaver for analysts, involved in the projects with mobile apps because it is necessary to take into account the standards of different platforms. In this situation, it has to be asked: how to take into account the features of the OS, and to maintain uniformity, and to meet the customer's requirements?

Within the framework of the talk we will:

  • figure out WHAT is a wireframe, mockup and prototype;
  • answer the question WHERE they can be created;
  • highlight the basic situations, WHEN and which of them should be used;
  • consider the features of their creation for mobile apps on IOS, Android and Aurora (Sailfish is the only mobile OS, included in the Unified Register of Russian Software).

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